Dec 18, 2005

The Kenny Report (or Smell of Violence Part III)

Several people have asked what is up with Kenny now.  Well, like everything else that ends up here, it’s an interesting story... 

Every now and then I represent my church and speak at the local Rescue Mission; but I have never told people there, workers or residents, that I’m a cop.  It’s not that I try to keep it secret, it’s just never come up and I don’t want it to be a distraction. 

Not too long ago I was there speaking, and saw Kenny with all the other homeless people.  Still with his high-water pants, two hats and 57 keys.  After the message, people filed by, and I recognized several; some people who were victims, others I had arrested.  Then Kenny walked by and simply said, "Hey, Officer Kellett," as he passed.  I have been going to the Mission helping out for over 20 years; no one has ever recognized me as an Officer before.  

Here is someone the world might label “stupid,” “retarded,” or just see someone to ridicule, but Kenny saw what no one else has; he remembered me and who I was. 

Of course, having the crap punched out of you can make an impression....



Anonymous said...

I'm a new reader, but I'm linking to you on my journal.  I like the idea of a Christian cop!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to leave a link to my journal:  

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave - I enjoyed the Kenny report - come to that I like Kenny, I liked that he  recognized you - and remembered who you were - not enough people do that today - Mind having the crap punched out of him probably did make a little bit of an :o)

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks for the update on Kenny! That's awesome that you help out at the mission.

Your blog is great! I've added your link to my blog (in the My World section), I hope you don't mind! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Oh Its so wonderful that you do charity type work. :) Its good to see/hear about people doing that kind of stuff....

Anonymous said...
