Apr 27, 2006

Help me out...

Ok- Doc and I were doing a sniper qualification last night; I brought my little camera out and snapped a few pictures; Doc took the camera and took one of me.

The problem is... every time I look at this photo, I think of little funny things to say; like:

"In order to stay warm on the tundra, just shoot a yetti and crawl into it's skin"

"Ghillie shmillie, I'm wearing this to the Oscars!"

"Sure I have back hair... but it's blonde"

Please help me by adding your own funny caption.  The winning quip will take the place (for a while anyway) as my new intro/bio photo and caption.

Shameless self-promotion?  You bet- but I have to do something to re-live the glory days of being the Pretzel King.


Anonymous said...

How about................"Damn I knew I forgot to comb something"..... http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

"Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Cop"

Anonymous said...

OK Dave, "Do they really wear Afghans in Afghanistan?   David

Anonymous said...

i want a little taken off the top but don't touch the sides.  i've been working on that for years.

Anonymous said...

Wanna see my pretzels?  

Anonymous said...

Haaaaa.  I thought Remo wrote Chi Chi Chi Chia CUP.  

Anonymous said...

Hunting in the Arctic gives new meaning to the phrase "cold, dead hands."

Anonymous said...

I can't stop! I can't stop! I can't stop!

1. Man, these new Supersoakers are great!


3. You don't want to be downwind when I get wet.

4. Seriously.  Can somebody get my leg out of this hole?

Okay, time for me to get a life.

Anonymous said...

"my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives"

Anonymous said...

Big Foot....LOOK OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

HAAA! I love Remos!

1. No fighting ladies, there's plenty to go around!

2. That's some Mullett

3. Man that is a bad rug!

4. Princess Leia Organa & Chewbacca's offspring!

5.  I shaved 3 times today already.

Anonymous said...

Honey, if you marry me I'll let you cut my hair and play with my GUN!

Anonymous said...

"OK just try to beat my Pretzel title ~ if you think you are ready and prepared to face me" !!!!!   Ally

Anonymous said...

I think it's about time to get your back waxed, don't you?? lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Hahahha..crying with laughter......love the pic..you look so daft in that rug and the comments are great but the best one is "Seriously..Can somebody get my leg out of this hole"...hahahahhahaha  it fits your facial expression....trying to be brave in the face of adversity.  Take care   Eve  

Anonymous said...

P.S.  So what was Doc wearing????  Was it a matching outfit?   still laaughing.  Eve

Anonymous said...

"Only my hairdresser knows for sure!"

Anonymous said...

Shagged Bagged and Tagged.
Don't Mess With Me I'm a Professional
Did I Shave My Legs For This?
Women Love Men with Back Hair
Want To PUll My Tassle?
LOL Barbara

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO...Chia Cop!!!
Sharon - http://journals.aol.com/tpiez4me/CoastalComfort

Anonymous said...

Now I know what happened to my missing dog.

Anonymous said...

undercover weed wacker

Anonymous said...

The photo reminds me of the time when I had been out on an extended field trip and had picked up lots of sheeps wool, on my clothes, as I passed barb after barb.

My beard was not far behind either.
