Working an assault 1 and an arson case today. After a long day, several detectives planned to go to the local watering hole. Once there, some drink beers with weird names (Fat Tire?); I have Diet Pepsi. I’m not saying I’m a teetotaler, but after 23 years of having drunks breathe on me, booze has lost its appeal.
While in this “pub”, a drunk comes in and wants to breathe on us, regaling us with his exploits in love and war. No cop wants listen to drunks; especially when said cop is not being paid for it. So this gentleman was made to feel... unwelcome. Nothing bad; it’s just that I’m sure he overheard some of the comments made, and most were very funny. So Mr. Drunk becomes offended, said offended drunk is then asked to leave by a group of three female bartenders. Drunk starts screaming at bartenders. When drunk raises arm in “threatening manner” (oh how many times have I written THAT in a report), I walk over to drunk, grab drunk by arm and shoulder and escort drunk through front door, encouraging him to continue walking away by a hardy push. A side note here: behind me were 5 other cops wanting a slice of drunk pie, I like my co-workers- I knew they had my back.
After returning to our table, the bartenders began fawning all over us, remarking that we should get free drinks (including Diet Pepsi) and that we all were brave, courageous people. This adoration went on for about 1 minute, until another bartender came up and told the first group that we were cops. Then the fawning stopped, the offer of drinks ended and the comment was made, “Oh… I guess they were just doing their job”. What for a “normal” person was seen as heroic and courageous, was for a police officer seen as expected and unremarkable.
Don’t know what to think about this… at least the whole story seemed to entertain my family, I sure love it that they think I’m heroic; even when no one else does.