Nov 7, 2008

Funny thing happened on the way to being robbed...

An injured man came into the local hospital emergency room and reported to personnel there that he had been the victim of a robbery. Hospital staff then called police, and a patrol officer was sent to take a report and perhaps develop enough information to arrest the suspects.

The “victim” explained to the officer that he was in his home when three men burst in on him and demanded his wallet. He gave them his money; however the suspects then forced a latex “adult novelty” device up his rectum, followed by two spoons.

There was some confusion in that the injuries were about a day old, and the victim did not have an explanation regarding the delay in coming into the police department.

The officer asked if, perhaps, HE had placed the object up his own arse, then maybe “lost track” of it and attempted a removal by himself with a couple of spoons. “Of COURSE not!” How could we think of such a thing!

So, detectives are now looking for the dildo/two spoon bandits… *sigh*


cw2smom said...

Oh this brings back Prison memories! LOL! The things the inmates would put up there! Yikes! We had situations like this where they had to be taken into surgery to have objects removed! Arrrggghhh!!! What idiots!!

Remo said...

When the doctor finds the keys to the Jeep, you can both drive out.

Myra said...

Back in the 80's a well known local TV news anchor showed up at a local hospital with a coke bottle stuck up...well, you get it. He wasn't on TV that much longer after that! Of course, this was way before HIPPA!

Dawn Allynn said...

LOL! Aw, I was having a bad day, but this cheered me so much :)

JustRex said...

It's funny how them things "just happen" to get stuck in there... I can recall a story about an inmate with two spoons.... well, you get the picture.